Vallerie Muthoni’s ‘Vision 2020’ Is A Sonic Catalogue Of Creative Freedom
Tela Wangeci Tela Wangeci

Vallerie Muthoni’s ‘Vision 2020’ Is A Sonic Catalogue Of Creative Freedom

Throughout the EP Vallerie Muthoni, dabbles between testing her creativity and leaning into comfortability. Preaching self love in “IF I DO, IF I DON’T,” and playing around with an Afro/Alte inspired production in her last single “WE GON’ BE OKAY,” Vallerie Muthoni solidifies her talent as a genre-defying artist. While ‘Vision 2020,’ is a testament of relatability, it serves as a mirror of Vallerie Muthoni’s growth both sonically and lyrically.

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The Unsubtle Art Of Giving A Fuck (GenZii)
Saint Bervon Saint Bervon

The Unsubtle Art Of Giving A Fuck (GenZii)

In this short article ,Saint Bervon tries to explain why you should Really care about what is going on in our country. As young people we are the most likely to suffer from policies implemented right now, read with an open mind, like the guy police shot in the head outside parliament on June 25th (RIP COMRADE)

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Play Review; Every Brilliant Thing,Can Love Save It All?
Tela Wangeci Tela Wangeci

Play Review; Every Brilliant Thing,Can Love Save It All?

But hold up guys, this isn’t an essay on 10 ways to get out of suicide, rather it’s a detailed understanding on the tumultuous relationship we have with emotions as solid beings on this cursed earth that Eve burdened us with.

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The Local Bar Story
Saint Bervon Saint Bervon

The Local Bar Story

We explore the Kenyan Local Bar: a hub of life, hope, & despair. Every soul has a story, finding solace in a glass.

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